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Gervasi Vineyard Named “Best Inn”

The Villas at GervasiThe Villas at Gervasi Vineyard is named Best Inn by Mike’s Road Trip. Mike’s Road Trip is a top-rated travel video blog focused on road trips, travel tips, lodging & restaurant reviews. Mike’s Road started in May, 2010 and is published by Mike Shubic, a veteran marketer who has worked the client, agency and media sides of the business. The site receives over 20,000 visits per month with 50,000+ pages being served.

This is the fourth annual Mike’s Road Trip “Best Of” list. Mike spent more than eight months on the road in 2013, including an epic coast-to-coast trip that started in southern Arizona and went as far east as Quebec…finally ending up in San Diego for the holidays. These amazing experiences are fun to relive in a compilation “Best Of” road trip list

Mike’s Road Trip is about discovering those hidden gems of the road and sharing them with other adventurous and discerning travelers.  You won’t find mediocrity or the ordinary on Mike’s Road Trip; these are the travels that create fond memories. Whether you live vicariously or by example, he does the exploring so you can have an adventure.

During his visit, Mike called Gervasi Vineyard an authentic Tuscan experience in northern Ohio. Sharing from his Blog: “The Italians have a long history of producing the “best” the world has to offer…from its architecture, exotic cars, fine wines, clothing, to the food and supple leathers, Italians make the best-of-the-best. Gervasi Vineyard is the very embodiment of Tuscany and the quality that we’re accustomed to seeing when it comes to Italian influence. Gervasi was built, and is run, by the Swaldo family…Italian through-and-through. Whether you come to Gervasi for the wine, the food or the lodging, the quality, value and service you’ll experience will leave you wanting more.” View Mike’s video from his June 2013 visit to the Gervasi.

Gervasi Vineyard is located at 1700 55th Street NE, Canton, Ohio. For more information about Gervasi Wines, visit or call 330.497.1000.